METHODS OF PROJECT ESTIMATIONS 1. POKER ESTIMATE Bring together a team of programmers and BAs, voice client's request for them, let each do own estimation quietly and then compare and discuss. Those who give the highest and lowest estimations provide arguments and the whole team should negotiate on the realistic and doable amount of man-hours to be sent to the prospect. 2. COMPARISON TO SIMILAR PROJECTS Here you need to compare the current project to the actually spent man-hours on a similar project in the past, but not to the initially estimated scope! There's also a complexity factor that should be defined and multiplied by man-hours planned. 3. BOTTOM UP & TOP DOWN Step one is to decompose your main task into several or many sub-tasks and estimate each separately. Then sum up the results to get a final estimate. Step two is to estimate the task as a whole. If discrepancy between bottom up and top down estimations is huge, you need to find a reason...