
Showing posts from December, 2013

Design Principle [SOLID]

Initial Stands for (acronym) Concept S SRP Single responsibility principle a class should have only a single responsibility. O OCP Open/closed principle “software entities … should be open for extension, but closed for modification”. L LSP Liskov substitution principle “objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program”. See also design by contract . I ISP Interface segregation principle “many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.” [5] D DIP Dependency inversion principle one should “Depend upon Abstractions. Do not depend upon concretions.” [5] Dependency injection is one method of following this principle.

Source code review

Importance of Source code review

Comparative analysis between JProfiler and Yourkit

JProfiler Features in detail: Yourkit Features in detail: Almost neck to neck competition between JProfiler and Yourkit: Both JProfiler and Yourkit Profiler are leading profiling tools. Few additional widgets like open/closed sockets, Loaded classes , JSP/servlet requests status available in Yourkit, which are not available in home screen in JProfiler, but you can get the same information with few set of clicks. Less expertise and tutorials available over the internet for Yourkit compare to JProfiler. When we talk about Industry wide use: JProfiler wins over Yourkit. Both display the information while the program is running. Both are very easy to use, compared to the other tools in their class. Both have remote profiling options, which is useful for PROD/QA/UAT server’s profiling. Doesn’t require any special preparation or setup in both the profiling tools. Both integ...