Comparative analysis between JProfiler and Yourkit

JProfiler Features in detail:
Yourkit Features in detail:

Almost neck to neck competition between JProfiler and Yourkit:

  • Both JProfiler and Yourkit Profiler are leading profiling tools.
  • Few additional widgets like open/closed sockets, Loaded classes , JSP/servlet requests status available in Yourkit, which are not available in home screen in JProfiler, but you can get the same information with few set of clicks.
  • Less expertise and tutorials available over the internet for Yourkit compare to JProfiler.
  • When we talk about Industry wide use: JProfiler wins over Yourkit.
  • Both display the information while the program is running.
  • Both are very easy to use, compared to the other tools in their class.
  • Both have remote profiling options, which is useful for PROD/QA/UAT server’s profiling.
  • Doesn’t require any special preparation or setup in both the profiling tools.
  • Both integrate with most of the popular application servers and, through the integration wizard, profiling a J2EE application is very straightforward. 
  • The main window for both is simple and intuitive, allowing you to quickly navigate between the different views on offer. Filters are also very straightforward and provide a way to focus on a specific set of information.
  • Yourkit and JProfiler both have better presentation options that display the data using call graphs and trees when compared to other tools in the market.
  • Both support all the major version of the common operating systems - Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.
  • Based on the comparative analysis, it was clear that both JProfiler and Yourkit are products with some great profiling features when compared to other tools. 

Note: All the comparison performed over trial versions only. 

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